Building a Blue Wave

One day at a time, lots of folks are working toward a big Dem victory this year. There’s a huge amount of activism happening near you. We haven’t been blogging or emailing much about it.  But we’re always posting on Twitter and Facebook. Do follow us there.


If you’re in Southern California, a couple of sign-up essentials:

Swing SoCal Left

Sea Change

Wherever you are, if you haven’t already started postcarding, it’s a fast, easy way to do something from the comfort of whatever you find comfortable. Sign up at Postcards to Voters or just text “HELLO” to Abby the Address Bot 1-484-ASK-ABBY (aka 1-484-275-2229). Abby, a friendly algorithm, will quickly get you postcarding to potential Dem voters in special election states around the country. It helps the candidates, and it helps reduce current events overwhelm. Try it!

Postcards to Voters

Breaking News (ha!): Joining these mega-orgs (and their local offshoots) is an easy way to stay tuned about resistance happenings–canvassing, voter registration, calls to Congress, etc. If you unsubscribed from everything you’d initially signed up for in 2017, resign up for these!

Swing Left


Thanks for all you’re doing and are going to do this year. Go Dems.

See you on Twitter.



